
Friday 15 September 2017


The wind howled menacingly like a wolf at the full moon. Lightning licked across the evil sky: a serpent’s tongue tormenting the clouds. The Earth began to shatter as I prepare for a survivor's challenge. More steps I took, the more loud cracks filled my ears.
I took one step outside and my leg swept across my body, my hands grappled onto my porch stand and then the ferocious wind slashed the trees and bushes. The thunderous lightning striked the power line, cutting the power off. The smell very acrid. I grab as much clothes that I could wear. The street flooded like Miami was now, Miami the great ocean. I drag myself across the polluted water. I search for life and finally I saw many people hidden inside a cafe without any damage. I peek back and my house was torn to shreds, but luckily I had found a safe place with a lot of attention and warmth, by chance the bonus was, free coffee and food.
Transport was lost as why people had no transport. A plane grazed across the clouds and carried a sign with a sentence saying, “Make your way to the far north Route 61 everything will be provided (Paradise)”. As we gleefully sipped on our hot coffee and milo a humongous business building collapsed on our entry of freedom. Everyone howled to their highest volume and children were crying in  terror. The rain shot down like bullets being fired.
I took lead and stood on a chair and yelled,“Do not panic I have got a plan, we will climb the building near us and exit out the other side and we will make our way to, “Paradise.” The smoke flowed through the cafe like bulls rushing towards us with a strange stank.
Then we thought of staying but many problems would occur, such as starvation, sleep and mental health.
Everyone packs and makes their way to the building and then when we arrived unfortunately the doors were jammed.
So we split and search for ways to the Route 61. After many hours searching we finally find one way out, but it looked very difficult. Many large rocks and objects were blocking but luckily there was a gap that we could fit through. It took us to long to get one person through at a time. Finally we were stumbling on our way Route 61.
When we arrive many securities and smoke cloaked the camp and many people were there, more then I have ever seen in my life. This hurricane will be the strongest and most powerful known to mankind. Everyone enjoying their meals and many clothes and cutleries were available. When there is a hurricane then everyone must work together and think positive.


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