
Friday 25 July 2014

Basic sight words
    I     is     and     we    
    we     in     Dad     
    here     am     look
    up     come     you
   mum     go     a
    the     big     went
  to     on    can
   see     for      at
    little     my     said
    are     down     me
    like     going     away  

Red-----Subject (who or what we are talking about     

blue-----Verb (doing word-something we can do

Netball    23-7-14

On Wednesday my class and I went outside and we played netball. The first thing that started off was friendly fire. There were a green team, blue team, yellow team and a red team. The team that I was in was the red team. We got the hoops and the ball. After we brag all of the stuff out we we started playing Friendly fire. We had to throw the balls thru the hoop. There was a person at the back of the hoop because so they can catch the ball so it doesn't roll a way. When Donna whistles then we have to stop. The team that won was the red team. The second team that won was blue. When room 10 came out then we left and walked back to class.