
Thursday 23 February 2017

Skunks 28 August 2015

1. They are famous because of their disgusting smell
2. Skunks are easy to spot because of their shine of their white stripe
3. Questions
1. How much does a skunk make birth - It makes about between 6 and 7 babies

3. Why are skunks part of the weasel family - Because of their disgusting smell
4. How do skunks defend himself from other predators -  
Show that you understand the information

6. Up black striped damask like a choosable at a
funeral mass. The skunks tail paraded the skunk.
Night after night.
The refrigerator whinnied into silence.
My desk light softened beyond the verandah.
Small oranges loomed in the orange tree.
I began to be tense as a voyeur.

7. Being in a skunk life would be very hard to hide from other predators. If I was hiding it would not be an very good hiding spot because other predators have very good smell sensors and they have very good hearing sense to other creatures.
8. 1. A skunks tail is very fluffy
2. A skunks smell is very toxic
3. Their digesting stomach take very long to digest

4. A skunk warns another predator by facing the predator and by pointing it’s fluffy tail at the predator that he is fighting
5. The skunks white line on it is shiny and it can signal other skunks.
9. The rating that I will give a skunk from dying.
7 out of ten. I give it a 7 because of some predators have very bad abilities

10. 8 I give this rate because it says on the paper they may kill people with their disgusting smell. 
  • Making traps
  • keeping a dog
  • keep a camera
  • Keep a calm pet skunk and that skunk might be friends with the skunk that is a disgrace.  

1. Shut the door
2. Keep a trap by both doors
3. Keep a calm dog to protect your house
4. Keep a automatic animal spray
5. Keep a camera to watch over the skunks


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